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Wrestling Matches for Battle Royal PPV Feb.22nd
El Tornado vs Superstar
Chamberlin vs Gordan
Cruiserweight Championship
Mr.P vs El Martello

Battle Royal

El Tornado vs Chamberlin
winner       vs Goofy
winner       vs Gordan
winner       vs Death Wish
winner       vs Flash
winner       vs Preditor
winner       vs El Martello
winner       vs Superstar
winner       vs Mr.P
winner       vs Cobra


What Happan Feb.14th
Battle Royal Pos.
El Martello vs Goofy     Winner:El Martello
Battle Royal Pos.
Cobra vs Gordan     Winner:Cobra
Battle Royal Pos.
Preditor vs Death Wish     Winner:Death Wish
Battle Royal Pos.
Mr.P vs El Martello  Winner:El Martello

Summary:The whole day was about who will be placed where on the Battle Royal PPV coming up and that was about it in the main event is where things got crazy with Mr.P taking on El Martello in a hardcore match after Mr.P got slammed through some hard s*** he was hit in the head with a huge wood thing and started bleeding and since the people he hates most mexicans in the audience they started telling El Martello to make Mr.P bleed even more,El Martello takes the win and cant wait to go to the PPV coming up.

Interview Cobra:
*Question:How do you think you will do in the Battle Royal PPV?
*Answer:I am going to win the Battle Royal and get me a title shot against Death Wish,cause I want my title back
*Question:Do you think you can win the Battle Royal and then face Death Wish and win at KWF Wrestlemania?
*Answer:I am confident that I will win
*Question:You know that you have never beat Death Wish in a single match how do you think you will do it know?
*Answer:I will give everything I got and everyone knows that is a whole hell of alot
*Question:Who do you think is the best wrestler in the back?
*Alright that is all the question I got for you thank you for joining us and remember stay tuned on for more stuff.

Cobra:2 time World Heavyweight Champion
Mr.Perry:Owner,1 time World Heavyweight Champion,Cruiserweight Champion
El Martillo:Intercontinental Champion,Cruiserweight Champion
Death Wish:World Heavyweight Champion
El Tornado:Undefeated for 26 days


World Heavyweight:Death Wish

Cruiserweight Champion:Mr.P

KWF History

*Cobra first time World Heavyweight Champion
*Cobra first one to win World Heavyweight Championship twice
*Cobra person who held the World Heavyweight or any championship the longest (6 Months)
*El Martello the only person to win 2 different titles (Intercontinental and Cruiserweight)
*Battlefield 2010 the first game KWF produces
*First Tag Team win El Para on Febuary 1st,2008
*El Martello only person to compete in 3 matchs in one night
*El Tornado lasts the longest undefeated 26 days
*____________ first person to win the Battle Royal (who will it be)

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